For over 30 years, Harc has matched its clients’ skills with the human resources needs of professional organizations and companies in our community. It is a cost effective solution to staff a broad array of entry level jobs. Harc helps fill the employment gap with three workforce strategies: On-Site Supported Employment, Off-Site Employment Services, and Entry-Level Job Placement.
Harc's Employment Solutions:
Producing Quality Work at Your Business Site
Through Harc’s Supported Employment Program, over 35 professional firms have improved their efficiency by establishing a supported employment team at their company. This team consists of four to six trained workers accompanied by a full-time job coach. A wide range of jobs are performed:
Mail room and delivery
Stock and supply room management and delivery
Paper shredding
Filing, purging, and record storage maintenance
Document scanning
Conference room and meal set-ups
Coffee station stocking and maintenance
Dish room services
Food services
Laundry operations
Hotel housekeeping
Grocery shopping
Meal delivery
. . . just to name a few.
Benefits of Using Harc’s Supported Employment Services
Guaranteed quality control: All workers receive training to meet your specifications.
Cost savings and improved efficiencies: Harc workers excel at doing routine work effectively and efficiently.
Outstanding personal traits and job attitudes: Positive attitude, passion for work, job loyalty and honesty.
Job Coach on site at all times with no additional cost to your company.
Guaranteed attendance.
Harc’s Employment Center - Outsourcing Your Projects
Hundreds of work projects are completed in Harc’s Employment Center every year. These jobs are completed at Harc’s headquarters, centrally located on Asylum Avenue in Hartford, Connecticut.
The following projects are typical of those completed in our Employment Center:
Typical Project Types
Clerical / Collating
Office functions: hand-collating, folding, inserting, labeling, wet-sealing, wafer-sealing, accordion-fold, tri-fold, bi-fold, etc.
Hand Assembly / Packaging
Assembly of seminar materials; insert pens into die-cut cards; make boxes; assemble display stands; snap rings onto bottles for packaging of end product; glue-gun assembly; adhere glue dots; weigh materials on scales and package.
Update binders and materials with revised pages, envelopes and brochures.
Adhere address labels to flyers, envelopes, bags, tubes, etc.
Stuff envelopes and attach address labels: for 1stclass postage, 3rd class bulk mail (nonprofit / profit), and meter mail.
Place a specific number of items into plastic bags and heat-seal.
Single / double sided copies, hole-punch, staple, etc.
Order Pickers
Pull items from grocery store shelves and deliver to customers.
These jobs may also be performed at your business location through our on-call Temporary Service. A job coach will provide quality assurance.
Entry-Level Job Placement
Hiring people with disabilities is good business
Who hasn’t heard companies and organizations describe their difficulties in hiring and retaining entry-level workers? Through Harc’s Job Placement Service, companies have discovered tremendous productivity and retention in hiring people with developmental disabilities for entry-level jobs. Companies use Harc as a temporary job service, often resulting in a full-time hire. In this way, companies can be assured of a good match. Harc will facilitate the application, interview, orientation and training process at no charge.
Businesses Say:
“We’ve cut our overtime costs incredibly!”
“The HARC workers cheerfully come to work every day.”
“The number of pieces completed in one week was incredible!"
“The Job Coach makes the Harc Supported Employment unit a virtually maintenance-free operation.”
“Our law office has had a Harc Supported Employment unit for more than 13 years because it makes good business sense.”
For More Information contact:
Shirley Boron
VP, Employment & Day Services
HARC, Inc.
900 Asylum Avenue MS# 1181
Hartford, CT 06105-1985